Request API

Method stx_transferSip10Ft


  • recipient: string address, Stacks c32-encoded
  • asset: string address, Stacks c32-encoded, with contract name suffix
  • amount: number | string BigInt constructor compatible value
  • address?: string address, Stacks c32-encoded, defaults to wallets current address
  • network?: 'mainnet' | 'testnet' | 'devnet' | 'regtest'
  • fee?: number | string BigInt constructor compatible value
  • nonce?: number | string BigInt constructor compatible value
  • postConditions?: PostCondition[], defaults to []
  • postConditionMode?: 'allow' | 'deny'
  • attachment?: string hex-encoded
  • sponsored?: boolean, defaults to false


  • txid: string hex-encoded
  • transaction: string hex-encoded raw transaction