WBIP003 — Conventions

WBIP003 — Common RPC Parameter Conventions

accepted rpc

This WBIP RECOMMENDS conventions for future JSON RPC parameter WBIPs.

  • RPC methods SHOULD use object parameters (aka named parameters).
  • amount SHOULD be used for transferring sums of something. If amount is used, without more information, it MUST always refer to the smallest denomination of the currency (e.g. sat forBTC, milli-sat for LN).
  • All actions that broadcast a transaction SHOULD return include { txid: string } in the response data.
  • Addresses SHOULD be strings and not require breaking down into hex / hash + version / public-key / scripts.
  • Responses MAY return publickeys (this SHOULD be treated optionally), users/wallet SHOULD be able to control whether they want to leak their public keys or not.
  • Ensure JSON serializability: E.g. bigint should be string (in any format a JavaScript constructor accepts)

The below parameters are still in development.


  • count SHOULD be used for requesting a specific number of something (e.g. addresses)
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